Monday, October 11, 2010

Progress list

We have combined the things that we have done so far into a single file.

The list includes:

1. Main Menu
2. World maps
3. Town scenes
4. Inventory
5. Character screen
6. Skill menu
7. Basic interface

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Skill icons

There are a total of 25 skills in this game. Here's a preview of them:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Character Menu - Completed

We have completed the character menu.

The layout of the inventory has been changed a little (added navigation between different menus and a menu title)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Inventory completed

The inventory system is finally completed, players are now able to:

- Filters item by weapons, armours, jewelleries and potions

- Compare item stats with the current equipped item.

- Equips that are not equippable has a red background, much more ease when picking the correct equipment.

- Equip and unequip by double clicking on an item

We will move on to the character stats menu now.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Item stats

Today we have completed item scrolling, and item stat displaying.

Here's the result:

Inventory and item generator

We have also completed the inventory layout and an item generator.

- There are a total of 9 parts of equipments.

- Equipments may consist of up to 20 type of enchancements 27 type of enchancements, all stats are randomized.

- Name of equipments (excluding white equipments) are randomized.

- Equipments can be divided into 5 rarity type: White, blue, yellow, purple and green.

Here's the layout of the inventory screen:

Random map generator

The idea behind this is to create a game with random cities, random adverture spots (cave, dungeon, forest etc), random items and random quests. Therefore we come to an conclusion of creating a open-rpg in sandbox mode.

So far we have finished working on the map generator, which will randomly generate a landscape with details.